Treffa Kft.
Adress: H-4374 Encsencs, Bélteki út 103.
Telefon/ Fax: +36-42/389-870
Mobil: +36-30/269-7380
Treffa Erdészeti Szolgáltató,
Utazásszervező és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Registrationsnumber from travel agency: U - 000585
Companynumber: 15-09-068445
Taxnumber: 13065638-2-15
Bankconto: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Zrt.:
HU35 12043006-01053785-01000006
Dear Hunter Guest, Our company, as an organizer of quality hunting trips since 2003, has made every effort to ensure that your hunting experience in Hungary is more successful and enjoyable. The results of this effort are our updated catalog and website, which now provide even more information. We continuously ensure, often personally, the trouble-free trips of our guests. Our office aims to ensure your satisfaction with the programs we organize. All of our travels are organized at the highest level. We carefully arrange our trips using the experience we have gained over the years. Each trip includes numerous adventures and services that are typically difficult to organize individually. Our customers appreciate the high quality of the programs we provide, which we continuously strive to maintain. Thank you for your confidence! |