The hunting grounds of Ásotthalom extend over an area of 2,560 hectares (net area of 2,513.2 hectares) and are situated in the picturesque southwestern part of Csongrád County, right on the Serbian border. The geography of this hunting area is characterized by a predominantly sandy landscape adorned with distinctive pine, poplar, and acacia forests. Interestingly, these forests form contiguous woodland blocks, which is a unique feature found in this region. Approximately 61% of the hunting area is covered by dense forests, while 28.3% is agricultural land. This combination of forests and open spaces creates a diverse habitat for the local wildlife. Though the animal population in this area may be limited, a proactive step was taken in 1997 to elevate the populations of wild boars and fallow deer.

  • average trophy: 3,3 kg
  • outstanding trophy: 4 kg
  • hunting area: 2 500 ha

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