One of the most renowned and game-rich territories in Hungary, and possibly in Europe, is located 70 km south of Lake Balaton. In the flat hunting area of 48,000 hectares around Nagyatád, a state-owned company has been managing the land for 60 years. Since 2004, it has been part of the Lábod Hunting Forestry AG. In recognition of its successful game management, the area received the CIC Edmond Blanc Prize in Cape Town in 1994. The forest coverage is steadily increasing with the help of the European Union and now stands at over 50%. Many watercourses of varying sizes enrich the region, the most prominent being the Rinya, and there are also numerous standing bodies of water.

  • average trophy: 3,3 kg
  • outstanding trophy: 5,7 kg
  • hunting area: 48 000 ha

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