The hunting area Derekegyház-Tompahát is located in the central part of Csongrád County. The administrative areas of Derekegyház, Hódmezővásárhely, Nagymágocs, and Székkutas cover 12,000 hectares (net 11,000 hectares). The landscape is primarily composed of agricultural land (85.5%) with small patches of forest (3.3%), mainly consisting of oaks, acacias, and poplars. These tree species provide a suitable habitat for an excellent population of roe deer and small game. The high quality of the roe deer population is reflected in the 25-30% mature bucks in recent years. The area also has a significant population of small game.

  • hare: 800 pcs
  • pheasant: 1 500 pcs, partridge: 150 pcs
  • duck: 2 000 pcs
  • hunting area: 12 000 ha

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