The Soponya hunting area spans approximately 9,500 hectares and is located in Mezőföld-Sárrét. The landscape is traversed by the Ur-Sárvíz river. Along both banks of the Sárvíz river, numerous bodies of water and fish ponds create a beautiful haven for waterfowl. In the northeastern part of the area, the sprawling 400- hectare Báránder Forest extends, renowned for its extensive pheasant and wild duck hunts. Among the currently huntable game species, pheasants, wild ducks, and geese are particularly favored. During pheasant hunts, 8-12 drives are conducted daily. Among the big game species, roe deer and wild boar are huntable.

  • pheasant: 10 000 pcs
  • hunting area: 9 500 ha

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