The Dél-Hanság hunting area stretches along the Ikva-Hanság main canal, the Szűcsházi road, the Szeged section, the Egerárok, the Répce, and the Hercegasszony road, and its total area is 5,800 hectares. The population of deer and wild boars in this area holds significant importance. The quality of the wildlife population improves year by year, and several award-winning trophy stags are harvested in each hunting season. The quality of the deer and wild boar populations is moderate, and the number of animals is heavily influenced by the availability of water. Due to these and other natural conditions, the ability to sustain wildlife is average.

  • tusker: 5 pcs
  • row: 10 pcs
  • pig, piglet: 90 pcs
  • hunting area: 5 800 ha

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