The Lehrforst Sopron operates its game management in two hunting areas near Sopron and Röjtökmuzsaj-Iván, covering a total area of 19,200 hectares. In the flatland hunting area Röjtök-Iván (13,988 hectares), 600 red deer, 200 roe deer, 15 fallow deer, and 900 wild boars are harvested annually. High-quality game management is carried out in this area, demonstrated by the increasing number of red deer trophies awarded with CIC Gold. This qualitative enhancement is the result of years of skilled work. A novelty of the area is hunting wild boar by moonlight. The hunting area is located in western Hungary, near the Austrian border. 

  • tusker: 10 pcs
  • row: 20 pcs
  • pig, piglet: 120 pcs
  • hunting area: 13 890 ha

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